John 2:1-11

Jesus chose a wedding in Cana for the first of Jesus’ miraculous signs (the changing of water into wine), which revealed his glory and brought forth faith from his disciples. For John this miracle is a sign. That’s what he calls it. John studiously avoids the Greek word for “miracle” — even though that’s the word most of us would use in retelling this story. People of our age look back on this event and focus on the suspension of natural laws. People of John’s age, by contrast, would have taken it for granted that supernatural wonders like this could take place.
The most important feature of the water turning to wine is the greater reality to which it points — the reality of God’s redeeming love, already at work in the person of Jesus Christ. The wedding at Cana is a tantalizing glimpse, a sneak preview, of all that will one day come to pass — the rescue of the universe from the forces of darkness and the everlasting celebration of what will follow.
God’s sign of glory will be found in the ordinary and the extraordinary. When Jesus revealed his glory at the wedding "his disciples put their faith in him." Faith-encouraging signs are all around us, but we often are not looking for them. Jesus himself is the ultimate sign of God's glory. Remember what he said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." Faith trusts what we cannot see. May the blessings of the wedding feast fill you with more joy, more hope and more abundant blessing than you can imagine!
Rev. Jann Osborn