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Writer's pictureRev. Kevin K. Adams

Happy Birthday Alexander!

Disciples History Moment for Sept 15, 2024

This past Thursday, September 12th, was the 236th birthday anniversary of Alexander Campbell—one of the foremost founders of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He was born in 1788 near Ballymena, Ireland.


Also, during this past week in 1847, Alexander Campbell, sailed to England, Ireland, and Scotland to visit his church movement there (British Churches of Christ). He took famine relief money collected in America to take to Ireland which was in the midst of the terrible Potato Famine (1845-52). Carrying a letter from famed Henry Clay, the “Great Compromiser”, he presented it to those in the British House of Commons and House of Lords. He preached throughout his time there in the countries drawing 2-3,000 to hear him at each venue. While in Scotland the Anti-Slavery Society there and one individual, in particular, spoke out against him. It is true that Campbell owned a few slaves once but manumitted (freed) them and was no longer in favor of slavery. Nonetheless, he was charged and put in prison. Bail was arranged but he refused the bail because he knew he was innocent and desired to remain until fully exonerated. The judge in the case threw out the arrest as illegal while the one who filed the charge fled the country. Campbell remained in prison a short six days. Despite this harassment and imprisonment, what Campbell returned home to was much worse—the drowning death of his 10-year-old son, Wickliff.


Rev. Kevin K. Adams


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