Disciples History Moment
For January 26, 2025
Around this time in 1837 (January 13-21) Alexander Campbell debated the Catholic Archbishop of Cincinnati, John Purcell, known as the “Campbell-Purcell Debate.” This would be Alexander Campbell’s fourth major public debate and established him as a defender of Protestant Christianity. It was considered by many that Alexander Campbell “won” the debate. It received much public and media attention. At the time Alexander Campbell was known for his anti-Catholic stand. This particular debate was over the priority of scripture, and that scripture and ecclesiastical tradition were equal alongside the Bible.
After his debate with Purcell, Alexander Campbell distanced himself from the Anti-Catholic and Nativist sentiments that were popular during his time, condemning its “fierce denunciatory and vindictive spirit." Campbell and Purcell maintained an amiable personal relationship, and professed admiration to each other after the debate. The debate was published in 1837 and is 360 pages long!
Rev. Kevin K. Adams
Source for much of this information comes from the Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement, 2004.